Media and Transparency – a Global Perspective

Expansion of the MediaAcT project on a global level

In the MediaAcT project, a network of researchers from twelve Eastern and Western European countries investigated media self-regulation and transparency in the European media. The project, led by the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism (EBI) and funded by the EU, resulted in the “European Handbook of Media Accountability”, which was published by Routledge in 2017.


In a next step, the Media Act network intends to examine media accountability beyond European borders. This project was kicked off by the conference “Media and Transparency - a Global Perspective”, which took place in Berlin in June 2018. The conference was organized by Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler, Managing Director of the EBI, as well as Matthias Karmasin and Tobias Eberwein from the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


The speakers' presentations can be re-watched at the bottom of the page.

Project coordination


Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler


The lectures

An African Perspective on Media Accountability 

Hermann Wassermann

Media Accountability in the Context of Hong Kong

Clement Y.K. So

Accountability in the USA

Tim P. Vos

Sacrificing Journalism for Continuity of Power in 

Ceren Sözeri

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