Dr. des. Michel Leroy

Post-Doc and project manager at the Erich Brost Institute


Research and teaching focus 


  • Media and sustainability
  • Media development
  • Editorial Analytics
  • Media and Migration
  • Social impact of the media




  • 2023: Doctorate at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at TU Dortmund University
  • 2018-2022: Medas21 graduate program (incl. courses on sustainable communication at Jönköping University, Sweden, and on process tracing methods at Central European University, Hungary)
  • 2009-2018: Freelance journalist, producer (investigation, blog, book, TV documentary), trainer and consultant in Paris
  • 2001-2008: Associate at the Ecole supérieure de Journalisme in Lille and at the Centre de formation des journalistes in Paris
  • 2000: Jean-Luc-Lagardère Foundation Award
  • 1996-2002: Writer and editor for various daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and magazines, foreign correspondent in Laos for Agence France Presse
  • 1995-1996: Lecturer at Cairo University, Egypt, and journalist (Al-Gomhouria Group)



  • Leroy, Michel (2023):  "The social construct of sustainability in Media Development", in Ben Harbisher, Ben (ed), "The Mediation of Sustainability", Developement Goals, Social Movements and Public Dissent", Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham
  • Leroy, Michel/Keßler, Mira/Mack, Johanna/ Ortiz dos Santos, Fabiola/Schönbächler, Viviane/Wollnik, Stefan/Zaitoonie, Roja (2022): Developement Assistance in the 21st Century. Lessons learnt from a Media Developement Research Program, Erich-Brost Institute for International Journalism, Dortmund
  • Leroy, Michel (2022): Couvrir les migrations et les réfugiés : manuel pour les formateurs en journalisme (Translation into French and foreward of Fengler, Susanne (ed): Reporting on Migrants and Refugees: Handbook for Journalism Educators), Paris, Unesco
  • Leroy, Michel (2021): Sustainability: Going Beyond the Buzzword, Research Reviews for Media Development Practitioners, Medas 21/Forum Media und Entwiklung, Aachen
  • Leroy, Michel (2014): "Result-Oriented Evaluations: Their Uses, Their Limits and How They are Driving Implementers`Coping Strategies", Global Media Journal German Edition, 2014
  • Leroy, Michel/Passicousset, Laurent (2008):  "French Research in Transition", Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC, 26 September 2008, 1857-1860




  • Leroy, Michel (2022): Dealing with failures in Media Development Assistance, Medas 21 closing conference, Dortmund, 24. Juni 2022
  • Leroy, Michel (2022): Fundraising for media development, Townhall of the Global Forum for Media Development (virtual), 21. Juni 2022
  • Leroy, Michel/Meuter, Sacha (2022): “Défis actuels du développement des medias en zones de conflits” (Diskutant), Knowledge for Tomorrow Conference, Abidjan, Elfenbeinküste, 27-29. April 2022
  • Leroy, Michel (2021): In Future We Trust: Sustainability of community radio in developing countries and its interaction with professionalization, European Media Management Association’s conference on “Public interventions in media“, Jönkoping, Schweden, und virtuell, 29. Oktober 2021
  • Leroy, Michel (2021): Sustainability through 20 years of media development evaluation, International Association for Media and Communication Research pre-conference (Media Sector Development working group), Nairobi, Kenia, und virtuell, 11. Juli 2021
  • Leroy, Michel (2020): Response to the paper "Proximity Radio Stations: Sustainability or Pragmatic Viability?" by Myers, Mary/Harford, Nicola, International Association for Media and Communication Research pre-conference on "Re-Imagining Media Development" (Media Sector Development working group), Tampere, Finnland, 12. Juli 2020

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