Johanna Mack

Research assistant at the Erich Brost Institute

Johanna Mack is a research associate at the Erich Brost Institute, a doctoral candidate in the Medas21- Media Development in the 21st Century research training group and editor of the German edition of the European Journalism Observatory.


Research interests 


Media systems, media development cooperation, media and migration, West Africa, media in fragile states, international journalism in Guinea-Bissau, media freedom, literary and cultural studies, postcolonial theory, democracy and social justice





  • 2024-2025: Research assistant at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, conducting a study on classism and diversity among young and aspiring journalists
  • 2024: Participation in the conference “Media, Migration & E-learning in Africa” in Malawi, Blantyre
  • 2023: Project trip to São Paulo, Brazil for the PROBRAL project (DAAD - CAPES) on the topic of media and democracy in Brazil and Germany
  • 2022, 27-28 April: Co-organization and implementation of the doctoral workshop “Les défis actuels du développement des médias dans les zones de conflit” (Knowledge for Tomorrow), Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation
  • 2020-2023: Research stays in Guinea-Bissau
  • 2019/20: Collaboration on the exhibition of Yoko Ono's participatory artwork “Add Color (Refugee Boat)” in the container under the Dortmunder U.
  • 2019: Co-training in workshops on media and migration in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), 2018; Bissau (Guinea-Bissau), 2019 and Rabat (Morocco), 2019
  • 2017: Excursion to Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2015/2017: Participation in summer schools in Cambodia and India on Tamil language and Southeast Asian history
  • 2017-2019: Master's degree in National and Transnational Studies: Literature, Culture and Language at the University of Münster (then WWU). Master's thesis: “Mediating the ‘Arab Spring’: A Comparative Study on the Role of the Conventional Mass Media and New Online Media in Jordan, 2011-2013
  • 2016-2020: Student assistant at the European Journalism Observatory
  • WS 2016/17: Erasmus semester at the University of Worcester (Worcester, UK), courses in English Literature and Illustration
  • 2015-2019: Volunteer work with refugees and migrants in Lünen
  • 2013-2017: Bachelor's degree in Applied Literary and Cultural Studies (TU Dortmund University), Journalism (minor, TU Dortmund University), Romance Studies, French (minor, Ruhr University Bochum). Bachelor thesis: Representation concepts in selected novels by Virginia Woolf and Zadie Smith
  • 2012-2020: Freelance work for local media (Westfälische Rundschau Lünen, Ruhr Nachrichten Lünen, Radio Antenne Unna, eldoradio*)


Publications (selection) 



Presentation (selection) 


  • Mack, J. (2023, September 13th):  A transformação do sistema de Mídia num contexto de "Estabilidade Estavel" - Conceptualizando O Desenvolvimento Dos Media Na Guiné-Bissau. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • Mack, J. (2023, July 11th): Media System Transformation in a context of “stable instability” – Developing and Capturing Guinea-Bissau’s Media since Independence’ IAMCR, History Section, Lyon
  • Mack, J. (2023, February 18th): Covering migration and refugee matters – media stories [Invited presentation]. Seminar des Arbeitskreis Internationales, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Gummersbach, Online. 
  • Mack, J. (2023, March 1): Aula Aberta: Captura da Mídia e Perspectivas pelo Desenvolvimento dos Mídia na Guiné-Bissau. CMICS, AD, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
  • Mack, J. (2022, December 6th) Media System Development in a Context of “Stable Instability: Media Capture in Guinea-Bissau. Conference Captured Media: Researching Media Systems in and after Transitions. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lissabon
  • Mack, J. (2022):  Media Development in a Context of “Stable Instability” – Power, Flow and Participation in Guinea-Bissau’s Radio System. Conference Broadcasting in the Portuguese Empire. Universidade Católica de Portuguesa, Lissabon
  • Mack, J.; Serwornoo, M. (2020, November 14th): Imagining Africa and Europe: Media Stories. [Invited presentation]. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Internationales, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Gummersbach. 
  • Mack, J. (2020, November 6th): Guinea-Bissaus Mediensystem: Was behindert und fördert Partizipation? [Panel Presentation]. Partizipative Öffentlichkeiten - EC4SC. Forschungszentrum Entwicklungskommunikation – Communication for Social Change. Universität Leipzig, Online Conference 
  • Mack, J. (2020, October 15-17th): Coping with Migrants and Regulatory Challenges in Europe. 2nd Annual International Migration Summit – Journalists’ International Forum for Migration (JIFORM), Lagos, Online Conference. 
  • Mack, J. (2021, April 14): Knowledge Production for Media Development in Postcolonial Media Systems: The Case of Guinea-Bissau. [Presentation]. “Comparing Post-socialist Media Systems” - 9th Graduate Spring School & Research conference on Comparative Media Systems, Dubrovnik. 



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