A recent study by the European Journalism Observatory (EJO) and the African Journalism Educators Network (AJEN) shows that journalism education worldwide does not adequately cover climate change.
Climate change is not only one of the greatest challenges of our time, but also an increasingly important topic for journalistic reporting, which poses challenges for journalists due to its complexity. However, a recent study by the European Journalism Observatory (EJO) and the African Journalism Educators Network (AJEN) shows that journalism education worldwide does not adequately cover climate change. A survey of teachers in African and European countries revealed that two thirds of the institutes surveyed do not offer any courses on reporting on climate change.
Key findings of the study:
The study underlines the need to better prepare journalists to report on climate change in order to promote an informed public debate. Initiatives such as the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) are working to better integrate environmental journalism into curricula.
Figure 1: Do you think that climate change is sufficiently represented in journalism education in your country?
Figure 2: Do you think that climate change should be more strongly represented in journalism education in your country?
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