In various research projects, the staff of the Erich Brost Institute and students of the Institute of Journalism Studies deal with a wide range of topics relating to international journalism. The following questions, for example, are under discussion:
Current projects
PROMPT – Predictive Research On Misinformation and narratives Propagation Trajectories
EU-Project „Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe - Training MOOC for European Journalism Students“ (COPE)
MEDIAdelcom: Where are European media landscapes heading?
A consortium from 14 European countries has researched the risks and opportunities of media audiences in Europe
Communication on migration and mobility - e-learning programs and newsroom applications for sub-Saharan Africa
Completed projects
Journalism in global context
A network of African and European journalism students, professors and media representatives
Support for media accountability in 10 countries in the MENA Region
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