Africa & Migration: Analysis - Future of journalism training - E-learning!

Kick-off for a new project funded by the Federal Foreign Office


The “AMAZE!” project was launched at the Erich Brost Institute (EBI) at the beginning of May. The project consists of three components: The first phase focuses on a cross-continental comparative analysis of media reporting on migration between Europe and Africa. At the same time, the networking of African journalism trainers to use the teaching platform we are currently developing for journalism training will begin. The third component is a Training-of-Trainers project (T-o-T) for young African journalism trainers in the form of an Autumn School.


The aim of the project is to strengthen relevant multipliers and their regional networks in the field of journalism training in several African countries. By producing a study together with the project partners, it promotes a critical debate on the role of the media in African countries on the issue of migration. The planned T-o-T measure specifically promotes the qualification and networking of the young generation of African journalism trainers. The project is directly linked to an EU-funded e-learning platform for journalism students that is already under development.


The first phase of the analysis is currently underway. The project partners from more than ten different European and African countries have already agreed on a focus and a structure. The core of the content analysis is the respective national media coverage of migration between Africa and Europe as well as within the African continent. The study includes partner universities in Uganda, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Libya, Poland, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, Latvia, Norway and Italy. The study follows on from a previous one, which was published in 2022 as a paper entitled “Covering Migration - in Africa and Europe: Results from a Comparative Analysis of 11 Countries” in the journal “Journalism Pratice”. 

Institutional coordination:


Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler


Academic project manager:


Dr. Merle van Berkum

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